
I read a book at my local library two weeks ago.
At first, I tried to borrow it but quit and decided to finish reading it at there.
It is assumed that the book's contents are not very good.
It says about TikTok.
In my opinion, a book about SNS, in particular, written only on a certain SNS has not much value to read.
I thought the book also looked like it.
However, there was a good point that was written regarding users.
It said TikTok users aren't important who says.
They are important what is said.
That is why influencers claim that they don't post a different from a real one.

I think whether it feels real or not is a significant thing.
The influencers don't post a lie, and the users are not important who said.
In short, the most important thing is having trust from anyone.

While I'm writing, I don't know what I'm writing about it.
My writing also exist on another books.
I wrote the book has not much value to read, but I'm writing not value to read.
I'm ashamed.