
The other day, I'd been nearly moved or might have been properly moved by some anime.
It's called "KO NO OT TOMARE!(この音とまれ!)"
It describes a club activity to play koto which is a Japanese harp at a high school in Japan.
The story itself isn't rare, the club activity was about to cease, but some main characters work hard to achieve their goal and to keep club activity.
Finally, they acquire a top of their prefecture, and each member's process to there shows us various dramas.
All appearance characters in those dramas have a good heart so let me feel refreshed.
Although, I think the reason I felt impressed may not be only those.
The sound of real koto and some characters showing up in each drama is described in background visuals when the club members play koto.
Perhaps, I think the real sound and those visual was combined, and then it enhanced factor of each drama's good points.
Those descriptions effects had accumulated in me, so at the last let me nearly cry.

This anime didn't describe national contest, but I want to watch that contest.
On the other hand, also this lacks condition may be nice.